Good morning!! How was your Sunday? Are you ready for the week ahead? Here’s a little Monday Motivation for ya! ?

The quote below is EVERYTHING; it’s how I live my life.

“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.”

Bill Phillips

Think about where you want to be and what you need to get there. If you continue to work on improving yourself, staying disciplined and committed to the process you’ll get there. Achieving your goals is all about what you do – and working day in and day out to crush them.

Today’s HIIT workout is a quick and effective routine designed to boost strength and speed and allows the body to continue to burn calories well after it is over.

You know what you need to do. This is Day 22 – Let’s get it!

Note – You will need your resistance bands for this one

Commit to 30 days of being healthier and being a better you. Ignore the distractions and the frustrations. Be patient, the results will come. JUST DON’T GIVE UP! For my more advanced members, try to repeat the series until you burnout. Also, feel free to mix and match with some of our previous videos. There are no rules!

Get empowered, beat the gym, and let’s have some fun! If you want to, use our hashtag #BeatTheGym, let’s hold each other high and accountable and let’s celebrate one another’s milestones.

If you are interested in continuing your journey with LIVE virtual classes and beating the gym from home. Get your fix from anywhere with some of the best trainers and award-winning classes delivered to your device. Sign up here!

The Moves

Loaded Beast Push Up – This exercise invites you to tap into your inner animal! Assume the child’s pose, kneeling on the ground with your heels underneath your hips, and your arms extended in front of you. Then lift your knees about an inch off the ground. This is referred to as “Loading the Beast”. It’s time to “Unload the Beast”. Keeping your elbows straight and your knees off the ground, begin to shift your hips forward. Continue to push until your shoulders are in front of your wrists. Then return to the start positon and “Load” and “Unload” the Beast again!

Hip Bridge with Toe Touches – If you experience lower back pain, this exercise could ease the pain by strengthening the core and back muscles. Start by sitting on the ground and putting your hands on the ground just behind your hips. Then push up and lift your body until it forms a straight line horizontal with the ground. Now, begin lifting your legs and reaching for your toes with the opposite hand. Move with control, make the movements slow and steady, and keep your hips lifted.

Reverse Plank Hip Lifts – Another great exercise to strengthen your back, core and leg muscles. If you experience lower back pain, this exercise could ease the pain by strengthening the core and back muscles. Start by sitting on the ground and putting your hands on the ground just behind your hips. Then push up and lift your body until it forms a straight line horizontal with the ground. Now, begin thrusting up and down.  

Plank Jacks – Another one of my favorite moves, I use it a lot in between exercises as active recovery. Position the arms under the shoulders and maintain your arms straight. Keep your abdominals contracted and your back straight. Then jump your legs wide and then back together.

V-Sit to Reverse Plank Hip Lift – This is a combination exercise. Start in a seated position with your knees bent and your feet 6 inches from the floor. Your chest and shoulders should be in a V shape with your legs. Place your arms by your sides and slowly unfold the seated V by simultaneously lowering your torso and straightening your legs. Be sure to keep your feet, head, and shoulders off the floor. Next, assume the reverse plank position and thrust up and down. Then repeat combination.

Squat and Front Raise – For this exercise assume a starting position by standing in middle of the cable and holding the handles on each hand. Proceed to do a squat. As you begin to squat down also raise your arms straight in front of you until they’re parallel to the floor and perpendicular to your chest. Hold at the bottom for 1-2 seconds and return to the start position, then repeat.

Sit Ups and Band Pull Apart – This exercise is ideal for getting that coveted “6 pack”. Lie on the floor with your legs straight and your cable around the soles of your feet and the handles on each hand with your arms fully extended to your sides. Next, slowly start pulling on the cable, fold your legs and contract your abdominals to lift your shoulders off the floor as you sit up. Continue to pull on the cable until your arms are fully open to each side. Remember to lift your feet off the floor simultaneously and bring your knees towards your stomach. Slowly lower to return to the start position and repeat.

Side Squat to Half Burpee – Start standing feet hip distance apart and sit back into a squat position. Then step wide to the side twice. Next, proceed to do a half burpee by bending your knees and lowering your hips down while placing your hands on the ground by your feet. Next, kick legs back until you are straight into a push up position. Reverse the movement into a squat position and side squat to the opposite side and repeat the movement. This completes one rep.

Mini Band Bicycle Crunch – First, lie on the floor and loop the resistance band around your feet and lift your legs. Next, fold one leg and contract your abdominals to lift your shoulders off the floor simultaneously trying to reach your knee with your opposite elbow.

Mountain Climbers – Assume a plank position on the ground. Then take your knee and drive it to the elbow, then switch. Alternate, right and left.

Another day down, another day closer to your goals!

Written by: Tony Thomas

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