So far, so good.

So, Day 6 is a sequence of stretchers and strengtheners. An opportunity to slow it down and celebrate everything you’ve accomplished thus far. You have been working hard so it is time to listen to our body, slow it down and check in after 5 days of hard work.

Enjoy the rejuvenating and restorative benefits of this yoga inspired flow.

This is Day 6 – This should feel awesome after the first week of the Beat The Gym HIIT Journey!

Day 7 is our rest day, but you will receive an email inviting you to comment on the journey so far. If you have any questions about fitness, nutrition, or health feel free to post them on our Facebook Group page and I will be happy to respond them on our next video.

Commit to 30 days of being healthier and being a better you. Ignore the distractions and the frustrations. Be patient, the results will come. JUST DON’T GIVE UP! For my more advanced members, try to repeat the series until you burnout. Also, feel free to mix and match with some of our previous videos. There are no rules!

Get empowered, beat the gym, and let’s have some fun! If you want to, use our hashtag #BeatTheGym, let’s hold each other high and accountable and let’s celebrate one another’s milestones.

If you are interested in continuing your journey with LIVE virtual classes and beating the gym from home. Get your fix from anywhere with some of the best trainers and award-winning classes delivered to your device. Sign up here!

The Moves

Seated Forward Bend – This is one of my favorite poses to relieve stress and also helps to warm up the body for deeper stretches. To start sit with your legs extended in front of you and reach to your heels. If you can’t reach, bend your knees slightly. Eventually you will be able to straighten the legs as your flexibility increases.

Piriformis Stretch – This hip stretch is one of the best you can do relieve sciatica and regain mobility. Sit upright with both legs extended in front of you. Then, bend one knee and cross it over the other leg, placing the foot next to the inside of the knee that’s outstretched. Finally, wrap your opposite arm around the bent knee and hold.

Lying Pectoral Stretch – Lie on your back with both arms extended to the sides of your body. Then bend one knee and roll to your opposite side. Try to maintain the opposite hand extended and lying against the ground.

Butterfly Stretch – Another great exercise to stretch the hips. To do this stretch properly, simply sit down with an upright back, bend your legs to bring your feet closer to the body, and place the soles of your feet against one another. Let your knees lower down the sides. You can use your elbows to apply downward pressure to your knees to increase the stretch.

Back Extension – This is a great exercise to help reduce back pain. Begin by lying face down on the floor and placing your hands next to your shoulders on the ground. Slowly lift your torso up until your back is slightly arched. Push into the ground to straighten your elbows and increase the extension of your lower back.

Forward Lunge with Overhead Reach – Step forward with your right leg and slowly lower your body until your front knee is bent 90 degrees. Your rear knee should nearly touch the floor. Keeping your legs in the lunge position and your back straight, reach over your head with your arms straight and hold.

Lunge Elbow Instep – Step forward with your right leg and slowly lower your body until your front knee is bent 90 degrees. Keeping your legs in the lunge position and your back straight, bend forward and try to reach as far as you can and touch the ground with your left elbow. Then alternate sides.

Lunge with Spinal Twist – This exercises mobilizes your groin area, stretches your chest, and activates your core. First, step forward with your right leg and slowly lower your body until your front knee is bent 90 degrees. Your rear knee should nearly touch the floor. Keep your left hand near your right foot and then rotate to open your torso and reach over the head with your right arm until it is straight. 

Wide-legged Forward Bend – Great exercise to lengthen the spine and stretch the back. Step the legs 4 feet apart. Then with a flat back exhale forward bringing the palms as far down as you can reach trying to bring them to the floor under your shoulders. If you find this too easy, try to bring your forehead down towards the floor, bending your elbows. 

Sumo Squat Stretch – You should feel this stretch in your groin and inner thigh muscles. First step your feet wider than shoulder-width and turn your toes slightly outward. Slowly squat down, and try to get as low as you can. Place your elbows on the inside of your knees and press into your legs to assist the opening. Draw your belly to the spine, and keep your torso straight.

Forward Lunge with Quad Stretch – Step forward with your right leg and slowly lower your body until your front knee is bent 90 degrees. This time, your rear knee should touch the floor. Keeping your legs in the lunge position and your back straight, reach with your left hand to grab your rear foot. Slowly release to come back to the lunge position, then switch sides.

Elbows-Out Chest Stretch – I incorporated this one for all of you who spend most of the day sitting in front of a computer, with time this posture begins to restrict our chest, shoulders and arms. Bend your elbows and raise your arms to interlock your fingers behind your head. Slowly squeeze your shoulder blades together and push your elbows slightly backward.

Standing Neck Stretch – Neck pain along with lower back pain is one of the most common types of pain among my clients. But with a little stretching you can lessen the pain and loosen a tense back. These moves consist of forward, backward, left and right tilts assisted by your hands. Remember to gently apply pressure with your fingertips in these moves.

Relax and enjoy! See you tomorrow!

Written by: Tony Thomas

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