
A letter from the BTG Founders

Good Morning Everyone,

We want to start by saying thanks to those who have been coming out to our classes and have helped us make them such a huge success. We invite everyone to come join us, and become a part of our new fitness community that will redefine the way people think about working out. Our mission is to improve everyone’s physical wellness through the power of fun and social workouts, at convenient times and locations.

We are currently in the middle of re-designing our website to improve the user experience, as well as working on our expansion into different neighborhoods in South Florida. While we get things on our end together, we want to help you kick start a new fit lifestyle by extending our free classes until December!

Why not take this opportunity to get fit and look your best for the upcoming holiday season?

So if you’re ready to get (or stay) in shape, click the link below to check out our schedule and sign up for some free fitness classes with Miami’s best personal trainers.


And don’t forget to BEAT THE GYM!

Thank you,
the BEAT THE GYM team

Written by: Tony Thomas

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